
How to Develop a Child’s Communication with Visual Schedule

communication with visual schedule

How to Develop a Child’s Communication with Visual Schedule

Developing effective communication skills is crucial for a child’s overall development, and communication with visual schedule can play a significant role in facilitating this process. In this article, we will explore the concept of communication with visual schedule, their benefits in developing communication skills, and guidelines on how to use them effectively.

What is a Visual Schedule?

A visual schedule is a tool that visually represents a sequence of activities or events using pictures, symbols, or words. It provides a structured visual representation of a child’s daily routine or tasks, particularly for children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Communication with visual schedule can be achieved by displaying on a wall, whiteboard, or in a booklet, helping children with ASD understand and anticipate what will happen throughout their day.

Benefits of communication with visual Schedule in development

Visual schedules offer several advantages for children with ASD, particularly in supporting their communication and overall development. Here are five ways in which visual schedules can assist in communication:

  1. Contribute to Understanding and Comprehension: Communication with visual schedule provides a concrete representation of events and routines in a child’s daily life. By visually seeing the activities in order, children can better comprehend and anticipate what will happen next. This understanding helps decrease a child’s anxiety and eliminates the element of surprise.
  2. Facilitate Transitions: Transitions can be challenging for children with ASD, as unexpected changes can cause stress and anxiety. Visual schedules can help in facilitating smoother transitions by visually preparing the child for upcoming changes. By including transition symbols or pictures, such as “Go” followed by an image of eating, children can better navigate and adapt to changes in their routine.
  3. Promote Independence: Communication with visual schedule empower children with ASD to become more independent in completing tasks and activities. The visual representation acts as a reminder and guide, allowing the child to engage in activities without constant verbal prompts. Over time, the child can be encouraged to create their own schedule independently, making decisions and advocating for themselves regarding how their day will look.
  4. Facilitate Communication and Language Development: Visual schedules can support language development in children with ASD. As children engage with the visual representations, they can associate the pictures or symbols with corresponding words and concepts. This association helps expand vocabulary and promotes communication skills. For example, a visual schedule with pictures of different fruits, drinks, and snacks can encourage the child to request their preferred fruit by pointing, giving the image to the adult, or verbally saying the word.
  5. Contribute to Teaching Flexibility: Communication with visual schedule can be used to teach flexibility to children with ASD. Initially, the adult, therapist, or parent creates the visual schedule. As the child becomes accustomed to following the visual schedule and understands its purpose, the next step involves randomly removing one of the least preferred activities and substituting it with a preferred activity. This process gradually teaches the child to be more accepting of changes without engaging in challenging behaviors.

Guidelines for Using Visual Schedules Effectively

When using communication with visual schedule with children with ASD, it is essential to consider the following guidelines:

  1. Use Clear and Consistent Visuals: Ensure that the visuals used in the schedule are clear, easy to understand, and meaningful to the child. Use actual photographs, simple illustrations, or symbols that are familiar to the child. Consistency in the visuals helps create a predictable and reliable structure.
  2. Start with a Few Activities: Begin with a visual schedule that includes a few key activities. As the child becomes comfortable and proficient, gradually increase the complexity and number of activities in the schedule.
  3. Review and Preview: Before starting each activity, take a moment to review the current activity and preview the upcoming one. This review helps the child transition smoothly between tasks and reinforces their understanding of the visual schedule. Removing completed activities from the schedule in front of the child enhances their understanding of how the visual schedule works.
  4. Provide Reinforcement: Offer praise, rewards, or positive reinforcement when the child successfully completes an activity according to the visual schedule. This positive association encourages the child’s engagement and motivation.
  5. Personalize the Schedule: Tailor the visual schedule to the child’s specific needs and interests. Incorporate activities that are meaningful and motivating for the child to increase their engagement and participation.


Scientific evidence supports the effectiveness of communication with visual schedule for children with ASD in developing behavior and daily living skills. However, it’s important to remember that each child is unique, and the visual schedule should be tailored to their specific needs. By utilizing visual schedules effectively, parents, educators, and therapists can provide valuable support to children with ASD in developing their communication skills and overall independence.

Also read: How to Develop a Child’s Communication with Visual Binder

About Olga Sirbu

My name is Olga Sirbu, I am a Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) and Licensed Applied Behavioral Analyst. My goal is to support and empower families and individuals on the autism spectrum.

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